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Version: 1.0.0

Quick Introduction to DataModel

What is DataModel?

DataModel is a minimalistic, in-browser representation of tabular data designed to work seamlessly with Muze for visualization. It provides a consistent data format with powerful transformation capabilities inspired by SQL's data manipulation philosophy.

At its core, DataModel supports relational algebra operators that enable:

  • Selection (filtering rows)
  • Projection (selecting columns)
  • Grouping and aggregation operations

While DataModel is optimized for use with Muze, it can be used independently as an in-browser tabular data store for analysis, visualization, or general data management needs.

Key Features

  • WebAssembly-Powered Performance

    • Fast data operations
    • Handles large datasets efficiently
    • Minimal performance degradation as data size grows
  • Relational Operations

    • Row filtering
    • Column selection
    • Data grouping and aggregation
    • Column creation from calculations
    • Multi-column sorting
  • Immutable Architecture

    • Each operation creates a new DataModel instance
    • Operations form a Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG)
    • Any node in the graph - which is a DataModel instance - can be visualized with Muze
  • Event Propagation

    • Changes automatically flow through the operation DAG
    • Events propagate from parent to derived DataModels
    • Proper semantic relationships are maintained across DataModels

Getting Started

Example Data and Schema

Let's look at a simple example using car data:

const data = [
Name: "chevrolet chevelle malibu",
Miles_per_Gallon: 18,
Acceleration: 12,
Name: "buick skylark 320",
Miles_per_Gallon: 15,
Acceleration: 11.5,
Name: "plymouth satellite",
Miles_per_Gallon: 18,
Acceleration: 11,
Name: "amc rebel sst",
Miles_per_Gallon: 16,
Acceleration: 12,

const schema = [
name: "Name",
type: "dimension",
name: "Miles_per_Gallon",
type: "measure",
name: "Acceleration",
type: "measure",

Creating a DataModel Instance

// Load the DataModel module
const DataModel = muze.DataModel;

// Format the raw data for DataModel consumption
const formattedData = await DataModel.loadData(data, schema);

// Create a new DataModel instance
const dm = new DataModel(formattedData);

Viewing Your Data


Available Operations

DataModel provides a rich set of operators for data transformation. These pure functions fall into two categories:

  1. Relational Algebra Operations

    • Selection: Filter rows based on conditions
    • Projection: Select specific columns
    • Grouping: Group rows with aggregation functions
  2. Utility Operations

    • Sorting: Arrange data by one or more columns
    • Calculated Variables: Create new columns from existing ones

The resulting data structure from our example would look like this:

chevrolet chevelle malibu1812
buick skylark 3201511.5
plymouth satellite1811
amc rebel sst1612

Note: While DataModel's design is inspired by SQL and relational algebra, no prior knowledge of these concepts is required to use it effectively.