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Version: 1.0.0

Creating DataModel Instances

Basic Instance Creation

To create a DataModel instance, use the following constructor:

const dataModelObject = new DataModel(formattedData);

The constructor expects formatted data from DataModel.loadData() as its input parameter.

Complete Example

Here's a step-by-step walkthrough of creating and accessing a DataModel instance:

const DataModel = muze.DataModel;

// Define the schema
const schema = [
name: "Name",
type: "dimension",
name: "Maker",
type: "dimension",
name: "Horsepower",
type: "measure",
defAggFn: "avg",
name: "Origin",
type: "dimension",

// Prepare the raw data
const rawData = [
Name: "chevrolet chevelle malibu",
Maker: "chevrolet",
Horsepower: 130,
Origin: "USA",
Name: "buick skylark 320",
Maker: "buick",
Horsepower: 165,
Origin: "USA",
Name: "datsun pl510",
Maker: "datsun",
Horsepower: 88,
Origin: "Japan",

// Format the data
const formattedData = await DataModel.loadData(rawData, schema);

// Create the DataModel instance
const dataModelObject = new DataModel(formattedData);

// Access the formatted data and schema
const { data, schema } = dataModelObject.getData();

// Log the internal data structure

Data Structure

The getData() method returns an object with two properties:

  • data: A two-dimensional array in column-major order where:

    • Each array represents a column of values
    • Column order matches the schema field order
    • This format optimizes DataModel's internal operations
  • schema: A reference to the schema used to create the instance

    • Maintains field definitions and metadata
    • Used for data validation and operations

Working with DataModel Instances

Once created, a DataModel instance provides access to:

  • The underlying data through getData()
  • Various transformation operations that create new DataModel instances
  • The schema information used to interpret the data

Each operation performed on a DataModel instance creates a new instance, maintaining the immutable architecture discussed in the introduction.