- Getting Started
- Installation
- Playground
- Guides And Tutorials
- Tutorials
- 01 Overview
- 02 Set up for course.
- 03 Genrating Chart URL.
- 04 Adding chart to TS.
- 05 Start Coding.
- 06 Intialize Chart With SDK
- 07 Create DataModel
- 08 Plug data to HighCharts
- 09 Deploy Chart
- Guide
- React support
- Api referneces.
- Examples Charts
- Chart Configurator(update Chart Config)
- Form Builder(update Visual prop)
- Custom Axis Menu(updating and api reference and enabling it in config editor)
- How sdk works
- client State and persisted Keys
- Data Query & Multiquery Support.(Pivot 1.0 to take multiple query)
- ContextMenu and Drilldown(adding and disabling and removing context menu)
- Action menu(disabling and hiding action menu)
- tooltip customization(native tooltip)
- async process fore charts render(initStart)
- conditional formatting(x and y axis )
- date formatting
- debug
- Tutorials