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Version: 1.0.0

Styling your charts

Changing chart fonts (titles, axis, tool-tips, labels, everything) for entire chart

To change fonts of elements in the chart, we can set the css style in the default classnames provided by muze.

// Changes the font family of title
.muze-title-cell {
font-family: Palatino;

// Changes the font family of subtitle
.muze-subtitle-cell {
font-family: Palatino;

// Changes the font family of axis tick labels
.muze-ticks {
font-family: Palatino;

// Changes the font family of axis name
.muze-axis-name {
font-family: Palatino;

// Changes the font family of the whole tooltip content
.muze-tooltip-box {
font-family: Palatino;


const { muze, getDataFromSearchQuery, env } = viz;
const data = getDataFromSearchQuery();

const SI_SYMBOL = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"];

function numberFormatter(number) {
const tier = (Math.log10(number) / 3) | 0;
if (tier == 0) return number;
const suffix = SI_SYMBOL[tier];
const scale = Math.pow(10, tier * 3);
const scaled = number / scale;
return scaled.toFixed(1) + suffix;

const months = [

.rows(["value"]) // The fields to appear in y-axis
.columns(["month"]) // The fields to appear in x-axis
sort: {
month: (a, b) => months.indexOf(a) - months.indexOf(b),
axes: {
y: {
tickFormat: (val) => numberFormatter(val.rawValue),
numberOfTicks: 8,
mark: "bar",
transform: { type: "group" },
.title("Coronavirus tests done by months")
.subtitle("From April - August")

Changing the color scheme of data plots.

To add a color scheme to the data plots, we use the color api.

Let's see how we can achieve this,

field: "State",
range: ["pink", "orange", "red", "mauvish", "yellow"],

In the above code we have specified a range property in color object and passed an array of color strings.

const { muze, getDataFromSearchQuery, env } = viz;
const data = getDataFromSearchQuery();

const SI_SYMBOL = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"];

function numberFormatter(number) {
const tier = (Math.log10(number) / 3) | 0;
if (tier == 0) return number;
const suffix = SI_SYMBOL[tier];
const scale = Math.pow(10, tier * 3);
const scaled = number / scale;
return scaled.toFixed(1) + suffix;

const months = [

sort: {
month: (a, b) => months.indexOf(a) - months.indexOf(b),
axes: {
y: {
tickFormat: (val) => numberFormatter(val.rawValue),
numberOfTicks: 8,
mark: "bar",
transform: { type: "group" },
field: "state",
range: ["pink", "orange", "red", "mauvish", "yellow"],
.title("Coronavirus tests done by states")
.subtitle("From April - August")

Changing the color of other elements (axis, tool-tips etc.)

Axis Styling

Muze provides default class names for axis and tooltips.

Let's see how you can use these classes and change the color of axis ticks

  • .muze-ticks: This classname is used for changing style of axis tick labels
  • .muze-tick-lines: This classname is used for changing the style of axis tick lines
.muze-ticks {
fill: #bb9077;

.muze-tick-lines {
stroke: #626262;


.muze-ticks {
fill: #bb9077;

.muze-tick-lines {
stroke: #626262;


const { muze, getDataFromSearchQuery, env } = viz;
const data = getDataFromSearchQuery();

const SI_SYMBOL = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"];

function numberFormatter(number) {
const tier = (Math.log10(number) / 3) | 0;
if (tier == 0) return number;
const suffix = SI_SYMBOL[tier];
const scale = Math.pow(10, tier * 3);
const scaled = number / scale;
return scaled.toFixed(1) + suffix;

const months = [

sort: {
month: (a, b) => months.indexOf(a) - months.indexOf(b),
axes: {
y: {
tickFormat: (val) => numberFormatter(val.rawValue),
numberOfTicks: 8,
mark: "bar",
transform: { type: "group" },
field: "state",
range: ["pink", "orange", "red", "mauvish", "yellow"],
.title("Coronavirus tests done by states")
.subtitle("From April - August")

Tooltip Styling

Muze adds classnames in tooltip elements which you can use to change the style of tooltip.

  • .muze-tooltip-box: This classname is used to set the background and color of the tooltip container
.muze-tooltip-box {
padding: 5px;
background: #2d2424;
color: #fff;
box-shadow: none;

.muze-tooltip-value {
color: #fff;

.muze-tooltip-key {
color: #fff;

.muze-tooltip-content-container-highlightSummary {
border-right: none;

.muze-tooltip-selected-row {
background: #615252;
  const { muze, getDataFromSearchQuery, env } = viz;
const data = getDataFromSearchQuery();

mark: "bar",
transform: { type: "group" }
.title("Grouped bar chart", { position: "bottom", align: "right" })
.subtitle("Horsepower by Origin coloured by Cylinders", {
position: "bottom",
align: "right"

Styling the title and subtitle (including alignment)

Muze provides classnames for title and subtitle which can be used to change their style.

  • muze-title-cell: Styles the title element.
  • muze-subtitle-cell: Styles the subtitle element.


.muze-title-cell {
font-family: Arial;
color: #090f54;

.muze-subtitle-cell {
font-family: Arial;
color: #626262;


const { muze, getDataFromSearchQuery, env } = viz;
const data = getDataFromSearchQuery();

const SI_SYMBOL = ["", "k", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E"];

function numberFormatter(number) {
const tier = (Math.log10(number) / 3) | 0;
if (tier == 0) return number;
const suffix = SI_SYMBOL[tier];
const scale = Math.pow(10, tier * 3);
const scaled = number / scale;
return scaled.toFixed(1) + suffix;

const months = [

sort: {
month: (a, b) => months.indexOf(a) - months.indexOf(b),
axes: {
y: {
tickFormat: (val) => numberFormatter(val.rawValue),
numberOfTicks: 8,
mark: "bar",
transform: { type: "group" },
field: "state",
range: ["pink", "orange", "red", "mauvish", "yellow"],
.title("Coronavirus tests done by states")
.subtitle("From April - August")

Adding a background color to the chart

Background color of chart can be changed using muze-group-container classname.

Let's see how we can do this using css:


.muze-group-container {
background: #ffdddd;


  const { muze, getDataFromSearchQuery, env } = viz;
const data = getDataFromSearchQuery();

mark: "bar",
transform: { type: "group" }
.title("Grouped bar chart", { position: "bottom", align: "right" })
.subtitle("Horsepower by Origin coloured by Cylinders", {
position: "bottom",
align: "right"